ʼNamǥis First Nation and Mosaic collaborating on sustainable forest management

The collaboration will focus on the long-term sustainability of diverse values and interests
ʼNamǥis First Nation (ʼNamǥis) and Mosaic Forest Management (Mosaic) are celebrating their shared commitment to a collaborative landscape planning project.
Based on shared values and interests, the plan will define joint goals and objectives to inform good forest stewardship and sustainable resource management of the portion of Tree Farm License 47 (TFL 47) that overlaps with ʼNamǥis Territory on northern Vancouver Island. This commitment aims to increase the transparency and clarity of resource planning in the overlapping area of TFL 47. It builds on previous agreements that have reinforced this partnership, including a Forest Strategy Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding.
The collaborative planning process will focus on the long-term sustainability of diverse values and interests, including forests, wildlife, fish habitat, and archaeological features, for the benefit of future generations. It will remain consistent with the spirit of reconciliation, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and the Forest and Range Practices Act that governs activities on TFL 47. As ‘Namǥis and Mosaic jointly develop this modernized planning process, ongoing and scheduled sustainable harvest in ‘Namǥis Territory will continue with the Nation providing both technical and traditional input on a site-by-site basis.
“This relationship builds on the progressive work we are undertaking with other tenure holders operating across our Territory,” said Victor Isaac, Elected Chief Councillor for the ‘Namǥis First Nation. “’Namǥis have managed these lands for thousands of years. Being part of the solution recognizes our continued governance of the territory and its resources and incorporates Indigenous approaches to good forest stewardship and economic stability within the North Island.”
“Our evolving relationship with ‘Namǥis First Nation exemplifies a shared interest in healthy, sustainable, and productive forests,” said Rob Gough, President and CEO at Mosaic Forest Management. “Moving forward, this new framework will facilitate an important revitalization of the planning and approval processes for forest practices in the area of Tree Farm License 47.”
For more information about ‘Namǥis First Nation, visit Namgis.bc.ca. For information about Mosaic Forest Management, visit MosaicForests.com.