Sustainable Resource Planning

7th Meeting, 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management

The UNECE Resource Management Week 2024, including the 15th session
of the Expert Group on Resource Management (EGRM-15), will be held at
the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 April 2024.

Leaders, experts, and stakeholders in resource management will gather to
discuss sustainable development challenges and opportunities. Our
theme, “Assuring sustainability in resource management”, will focus on the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) and the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS) and their pivotal role in resource management worldwide. 

Agenda highlights:

  • Seminars, Workshops, and Short Courses: Focusing on the UNFC and UNRMS as catalysts for transforming raw materials management.
  • Minerals for the Energy Transition: Highlighting the work of the UN Working Group on Transforming Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development.
  • Responsible Resource Management: The development and deployment of UNRMS.
  • Navigating the Future: Exploring various applications of UNFC.
  • Building capacity: International Centres of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management.
  • Empowering Sustainability: Discussing global initiatives and case studies.
  • Lunchtime lectures: Professor Peter Hopkinson,
    Co-Director, Exeter Centre for the Circular Economy, Exeter University,
    and Professor Markus Zils, Circular Economy and Management Science,
    University of Exeter Business School, UK, on Circular Data (23 April)
    and Sarah Gordon, CEO, Satarla on The beauty of interconnected natural resource ecosystems, with a focus on ESG issues (25 April).

Session 3: Responsible resource governance

Agenda item 8: Building Capacity: International Centres of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management

  • ICE-SRM Russia – Igor Shpurov and Vera Bratkova, Chief Executive Officer
  • ICE-SRM UK – Nick MacInnes, Circular Economy Lead, Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), UK and Lynsay Blake, Head of Science in Resources and Waste, Defra, UK
  • ICE-SRM Mexico – Ulises Neri, Executive Director & Ministries of Energy and Economy of Subnational Governments of Mexico:
  •      José Ramón Silva – Secretary of Energy Development of the State of Tamaulipas
  •      Carlos Adrian García Basto – Director General of the State Energy Agency of the State of Campeche
  •      Esaú Garza – Secretary of Economy, Science and Technology of the State of Aguascalientes

ICE-SRM Criteria for Recognition and Terms of Reference (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/4)

  • ICE-SRM EU – Meta Dobnikar, Head of Mineral Resources and Geochemistry Department, Geological Survey of Slovenia
  • ICE-SRM Central Asia – Farkhat Abytov, Executive Director
  • ICE-SRM Africa – Tunde Arisekola, Senior Advisor, Geological and Minerals Information, African Minerals Development Centre
  • Dario Liguti, Director, UNECE Sustainable Energy Division
  • Discussion

Agenda item 7.2: Development and deployment of UNFC – Technical Advisory Group Annual Report – Updated Injection Projects Specifications (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/9)

  • Aleksandr Shpilman, Co-Chair, Technical Advisory Group
  • Serge Van Gessel, Chair, Injection Projects Working Group and TNO

Agenda item 7.2: Competency in resource management 

  • Vitor Correia, Chair, Competency Working Group, EGRM
  • Michael Neumann, Global Geoscience Professionalism Group
  • Gbenga Olugbenga Okunlola, President, Geological Society of Africa and Member, AMREC Working Group
  • Craig Waldie, Ontario Securities Commission, Canada – presentation to be delivered by Hendrik Falck, Chair, EGRM Minerals Working Group


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