Sustainable Resource Planning

9th Meeting, 15th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management

The UNECE Resource Management Week 2024, including the 15th session
of the Expert Group on Resource Management (EGRM-15), will be held at
the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, 22-26 April 2024.

Leaders, experts, and stakeholders in resource management will gather to
discuss sustainable development challenges and opportunities. Our
theme, “Assuring sustainability in resource management”, will focus on the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) and the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS) and their pivotal role in resource management worldwide. 

Agenda highlights:

  • Seminars, Workshops, and Short Courses: Focusing on the UNFC and UNRMS as catalysts for transforming raw materials management.
  • Minerals for the Energy Transition: Highlighting the work of the UN Working Group on Transforming Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development.
  • Responsible Resource Management: The development and deployment of UNRMS.
  • Navigating the Future: Exploring various applications of UNFC.
  • Building capacity: International Centres of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management.
  • Empowering Sustainability: Discussing global initiatives and case studies.
  • Lunchtime lectures: Professor Peter Hopkinson,
    Co-Director, Exeter Centre for the Circular Economy, Exeter University,
    and Professor Markus Zils, Circular Economy and Management Science,
    University of Exeter Business School, UK, on Circular Data (23 April)
    and Sarah Gordon, CEO, Satarla on The beauty of interconnected natural resource ecosystems, with a focus on ESG issues (25 April).

Session 5: Empowering Sustainability

Agenda item 7.1

  • TAG Annual Report 2023-2024 – Alex Shpilman, TAG Co-Chair
  • UNFC Adoption Group Recommendations (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/10) – Matthias Hartung, Chair UNFC Adoption Group
  • G axis Task Force Recommendations (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/11) – Alistair Jones, Chair, G axis Task Force & Marina von Vietinghoff-Scheel, German Minerals Resource Agency, DERA, BGR

Agenda item 9: Global Initiatives for UNRMS

  • (a) Case studies : 
  • Leveraging XBRL for UNFC Implementation – Tomas Milo, McGill University
  • Sustainable mining and raw/critical minerals standards – Mercè Ferrés Hernández, Secretary, Critical Minerals Coordination Committee, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • Case study, Kazakhstan – Georgiy Freiman, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Professional Association of Independent Experts in Subsoil Use Public Association (PONEN)
  • Petroleum case study, China – Yang Hua, Advisor, RIPED, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)
  • (b) Case study :
  • Regular and extrabudgetary projects – Oleg Dzioubinski, Regional Advisor, Energy, UNECE Sustainable Energy Division
  • Discussions

Agenda item 11: Amplifying the message: Communications, promotion and outreach 

  • EGRM Communications Update – Carolina Coll, Chair, Communications Working Group
  • Advancement of UNFC as a cooperation and resource management platform in the international context – Scheduled interventions from member States: Igor Shpurov, General Director, Russian State Committee on Mineral Reserves

Agenda item 9: Enhancing expertise and implementation: Mandate, governance and work plans for 2022-2023 and 2024-2025 and evaluation of activities

  • Programme/Project Evaluation
  • EGRM Mandate and ToR (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/8)
  • EGRM Document Review & Approval Process (ECE/ENERGY/GE.3/2024/3)
  • Patrick Bréard, Breard & Associates and UNECE Consultant



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