Cloud Architecture

Cloud Migration with Legacy IT Systems: Overcoming Hurdles

Migration to the cloud is seen as a way to simplify IT, but legacy systems may not allow for simple lift-and-shift cloud migration. Mark Kedgley of Netwrix discusses why it’s important to consider private vs public cloud and the implications for security, cost and scalability.

We are all moving toward cloud-delivered IT. If you can get an application off the shelf, SaaS is attractive for its relative simplicity and ease of deployment and maintenance. If you need to develop an application in-house, you will likely want to embrace modern cloud and container-based computing models, with a DevOps pipeline incorporating automated, continuous testing and image deployment. 

But in the real world, most of us also have systems that pre-date the cloud and don’t allow a simple lift-and-shift cloud migration. So, while migration to the cloud is generally seen as a means of simplifying IT, it can actually make life more complicated since  IT teams need to manage both cloud and legacy systems consistently. Indeed, according to the Netwrix Cloud Security ReportOpens a new window