Generative AI

4 ways CIOs can empower innovation in the workplace

There’s no question that people hesitate when they hear AI is entering the workplace. There’s a natural fear of how it will impact jobs. But the danger isn’t AI itself; rather, it’s failing to embrace AI to do your job better.

As generative AI evolves, it will bring with it an economic benefit of $2.6 to 4.4 trillion annually, according to a study by the World Economic Forum. That study states, “Over 93% of employers expect to use GenAI within the next five years to increase innovation and creativity, automate repetitive tasks, and boost learning.” By adopting AI tools, firms can increase work-life balance by eliminating mundane tasks, freeing up workers for higher-value and meaningful work.

One way companies can eliminate mundane tasks is by harnessing the power of large language models to synthesize and automate complex commands. For example, when architects listen to customer views, using the power of AI-based speech and language synthesis and translation, they can find subtle insights that can expedite the decision-making process.

Leaders can help alleviate workplace fears with education, exposure to new tools, and fostering a culture of learning and innovation. This encourages experimentation without a fear of making mistakes. Establish pilot programs with the expectation that some may not work out. Develop comprehensive training and education programs so employees understand what AI actually is and how they can put it to work.


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