
Martin Engineering Boosts Teen Robotics Team – Shaw Local

NEPONSET – Martin Engineering, Global leader in bulk handling equipment solutions, has been helping a group of students in rural Illinois discover their ‘inner engineer’ by sponsoring and mentoring them in a worldwide robotics competition.

Team Martin Motion 6237, a co-ed robotics team for the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition season, was comprised of 27 students from five high schools in the Neponset area, plus 10 volunteer mentors. With an award-winning effort, the team was able to reach the final tiers of the regional competition against some former world champions.

Over a series of weeks, the students built a working industrial-sized robot controlled by a “driver” to accomplish the task of gathering a game piece, traversing an obstacle-laden arena, and depositing the game piece into goals for points. This was achieved by collaborating with other teams participating in the competition to create “alliances” consisting of three robots per alliance. Working in tandem, alliances would formulate a strategy of both offense and defense to win, then rotate alliances with each match.

The team spirit is high as the drivers prepare for a fast and complex match.

With the guidance of Martin’s volunteer mentors and access to the company’s resources, the students (called “Motioneers”) worked together to design, build and program their robot in line with strict FIRST® competition rules. This was done on evenings and weekends over a six-week period.

Students learned valuable skills such as complex mechanical, electrical, design and engineering concepts, as well as engaging in computer coding. They also gained experience working on a team project with a deadline and ongoing engagement that builds the foundation of real-world communication as well as collaboration skills they can carry into their future professional life.

The Motion Men bounce in support of the team, helping rev up the excitement

To start the season, Team Martin Motion 6237 participated in the Central Illinois Regional robot challenge called “Crescendo” at Bradley University in Peoria. Competing in 11 matches, the team finished with two wins and nine losses. The matches served as a valuable test run for the initial robot design and gave the drivers essential experience, allowing the team to identify areas for improvement, which included a new swerve drive system.

At the St. Louis Regional competition in Chaifetz Arena, cheered on by the orange-clad Motion Men and attending friends and family, the team competed in 12 qualification matches, showcasing their refined robot and strategic gameplay. Having been selected to join the No. 6 alliance in the playoffs on the final day of competition, Team Martin Motion competed well against some former world champions and secured a third-place finish. Unfortunately, that was not enough to propel them to the world championship tournament.

Although they did not go to the championship tournament, the team was awarded the prestigious Judges’ Award. This award recognizes a team’s unique efforts, performance and dynamics, demonstrating the full embrace of the principles of the FIRST program.

“This season has been a resounding success for Martin Motion 6237,” said Seth Mercer, mentor of Martin Engineering. “They faced challenges head-on, learned from their experiences, and continuously improved their robot and strategic thinking. But beyond the robot’s performance, their teamwork, professionalism, and embodiment of the FIRST spirit truly sets them apart.”

Martin Engineering congratulates all the students and mentors who participated in the 2024 team. It is important to the company to encourage the next generation of engineers and innovators. If the 2024 group of young adults is any indication, the future is bright.

The Motion 6237 robot at its starting point, ready to compete.


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