Sweden: Largest telecom employers 2024

Based on the number of employees, Telia Company AB was the top ranked telecommunication company in Sweden in 2024. Telia had over 19 thousand employees in Sweden. It was followed by Eltel AB and Tele2 AB, which had over five and four thousand employees, respectively. Telia Company and Tele2 were among the leading B2C telecom companies digitally from 2018 to 2020. In fact, Tele2 came first in all three years with a maturity grade of 3.45 as of 2020. Telia Company had a grade of 3.19 that year.
Telecom companies‘ profits
Telia was the telecom company in Sweden with the biggest net profit in 2022. It accumulated nearly 11 billion Swedish kronor and was followed by Tele2 Sverige AB, which had approximately 3.4 billion Swedish kronor net profit. Similarly, these two companies also had the biggest turnover. Telia Company AD had a turnover of nearly 86 billion Swedish kronor and Tele2 AB had 27.66 billion Swedish kronor turnover.
Telecom companies in the Nordics
As for the Nordic countries in general, Telia Company AB was the biggest telecom company as of June 2022, with 20 thousand employees. Eltel was second with over 6.2 thousand employees.