Sustainable Resource Planning

Guidelines for Sustainable Resource Management of Building Materials – 1st Edition August 2023 [EN/AR] – Yemen


Foreword Following the production of a Shelter Response Profile for Yemen in 2022, this document presents reflections and recommendations for the sustainable management of construction materials in habitat, housing and shelter projects in Yemen.

The term sustainable can be understood in different ways in the construction sector.

In this document, we propose to provide an integral perspective that considers social, cultural, environmental, and economic aspects.

The construction of shelters, housing and other infrastructure is essential to the quality of life and dignity of communities. Beyond that, construction is a driver of recovery and development, through the activity it will generate locally. But it can also have an impact on the land, its resources, and the wider environment.

In order to encourage building practices that have the greatest possible positive impact on the local area and communities, and also to consider contributing to the overall effort that needs to be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it is necessary to be able to assess these different aspects. To what extent will the local economy benefit from the project? What will the project’s environmental footprint be?

Questions relating to the appropriateness of the use of construction materials in different contexts, recycling, reuse, and reduction in the use of materials are at the origin of this guidance document, produced by CRAterre and the Shelter Cluster in Yemen, with the support of UNHCR, ECHO and the Global Shelter Cluster.

This document is not exhaustive butsuggests avenues to be explored in greater depth, particularly in the light of local conditions, for more sustainable construction projects.


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