Trump ‘offered to block electric car rollout’ as he asked oil bosses for $1bn

Meanwhile, Mr Trump has said that electric car mandates will “kill” America’s car making industry and warned of a “blood bath” for manufacturers if he is not returned to office.

Reversing a pro-EV push could, however, disappoint car makers such as Ford and General Motors that have pushed into battery-powered vehicles, as well as Tesla, whose chief executive, Elon Musk, has been a vocal critic of Mr Biden.

The Biden administration has also frozen permits for exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), citing environmental concerns.

The industry has grown dramatically in recent years thanks to the shale boom. The freeze has been widely opposed by the gas industry and Republicans have tried to overturn it.

Mr Trump told gas executives that he would overturn the freeze immediately. “You’ll get it on the first day,” he reportedly said.


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