Wednesday letters: Electric vehicle impacts, praise for Biden and Bear-proof trash cans

Electric vehicles don’t do enough to cut carbon impact

Joe Mollica, your argument for EVs should have stuck with engine efficiency. You’ve overlooked where, how and why they get all that plastic EVs are made from. You’ve overlooked the same with all rare earth minerals that go into the means of producing green energy. Everyone needs to start measuring carbon footprints by more than just the little toe.

Eric Olander, Carbondale

Grateful for our President

I am grateful for a President who has foreign policy experience and is fighting for Democracy and standing with our allies, in helping Ukraine fight against a “power hungry madman” and I respect his intelligence and experience in trying to navigate the Israel/Hamas/Gaza/Palestinian war.

Please think past your grocery bill or your gas bill.  “Think” of what President Biden has had to deal with since taking office.  A man who told you to drink bleach to rid yourself of the virus, praising the Russian, Chinese, North Korean leaders and corrupting the U.S. government in so many ways with his thousands of lies every day for the last eight years. If you chose to vote for this very Amoral corrupt man, you are voting against our Democracy.  Is this the America you want?

Please remember Helsinki, Charlottesville and all the other times the former President sided with Putin, over his own Judicial branch. Please get informed, America, and listen to what Trump is saying his Presidency would be like.  He has said he will be a dictator on day one. Believe what he says.

When we mail in our ballots in November, I’m praying more Republicans will ‘wake up’ to what is at stake for their grandchildren. This is not ‘Republican against Democrat’.  It is ‘truth vs lies’ and ‘right vs wrong’. “Silence in the face of evil is evil in itself.”

Linda Carr, Eagle

Glenwood Springs should provide free bear-proof trash cans to residents who request them

I live in downtown Glenwood and I have an alley behind my house. So far bears have gotten into my trash once and the season has only just begun. I am asking city council to please reconsider at their meeting on May 16 and give a bear-proof garbage pail to any resident who needs one.

I want to protect bears, but it would cost me a lot more money per month to use my own bear proof garbage pail which I’m not allowed to use anyway under Mountain Waste’s rules.

Joan Isenberg, Glenwood Springs


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