
What’s the Most Underused Buzzword?

We’re always keen to hear what it is we should be talking about.

So, at the FinTech B2B Marketing conference in St Paul’s we asked what people thought the most underused buzzwords were right now.

These fintech and marketing experts gave us a slate of things they thought needed more attention, both for the benefit of the industry and for you the viewer!

From financial inclusion to the intent behind our data collection, there’s plenty to digest here. One of our guests even mentioned something called ‘KYAI’. You’ll have to ask them what that is…

What should we be talking about?

In the dynamic landscape of marketing and business, certain topics often fly under the radar despite their significant impact and relevance. A number of these were picked up on by our esteemed experts at the FinTech B2B Marketing conference.

Take, for instance, Account-Based Marketing (ABM), a strategic approach that tailors marketing efforts to specific target accounts. While ABM has proven its effectiveness in driving high-value leads and revenue growth, it’s not always a focal point in discussions. The intricacies involved in ABM implementation, coupled with the perception of complexity, might contribute to its under-discussed status.

But in fact, it was the view of one attendee that fintech marketing in general often doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. Despite being omnipresent in our lives, marketing discussions may take a back seat to more attention-grabbing subjects. The sheer diversity of marketing strategies and techniques also makes it challenging to engage in focused conversations without delving into specific subtopics.

Financial inclusion is another topic that doesn’t always get its due spotlight. Despite its importance, it may lack widespread awareness or understanding, resulting in fewer discussions compared to the topics that directly generate money for shareholders.

In an increasingly digitised world, the importance of the human touch in marketing and business interactions can also sometimes be overlooked. Yet, emphasising human connection and empathy remains essential for building trust and fostering long-term relationships with customers.

Other topics brought up in the video above include, data-driven decision-making, the importance of marketing budgets and ensuring these are maximised and the value of analogue or traditional marketing techniques and creativity in marketing.

Despite all the talk of data, there’s also not enough talk about the intent behind it, according to one attendee. Despite its importance, discussions about intent may take a back seat to more tangible metrics like sales or engagement.

Tune into the full video to find out more.


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