
Upcoming report on the state of cybersecurity in Croatia

Next week, Diverto is set to release a comprehensive report on Croatia’s cybersecurity landscape. This report will provide a detailed summary of the key events from 2023, offer targeted recommendations for managerial strategies, and highlight crucial regulations like NIS2 and DORA.

croatia cybersecurity diverto

If you’d like to learn more about the report and receive it once released, you can attend a live stream (in Croatian) on Tuesday, April 16. The event will include an expert panel:

Diverto moderators will talk to guests about the state of cybersecurity from the perspective of the national CERT and the academic community:

  • Nataša Glavor, Assistant Director for National CERT, CARNet
  • Stjepan Groš, Head of the Laboratory for Information Security and Privacy, FER

Viewers who follow the event can win a ticket to the DEEP conference 2024, which specializes in cybersecurity topics, which will be held on the 23rd and 24th October, 2024.


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