Generative AI

Generative AI could help UK workers save 19 million hours a week by 2026

New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save '19 million hours a week'New research from Pearson claims to show the potential of Generative AI to boost workplace productivity by helping UK workers to save ’19 million hours a week’ on routine and repetitive tasks.

The new instalment of Pearson’s Skills Outlook series, ‘Reclaim the Clock: How Generative AI Can Power People at Work’ – looks ahead to 2026 and claims too identify the top 10 job tasks with the most time saved by using the technology, in five countries (Australia, Brazil, India, UK and US).

The authors claim that by augmenting basic tasks with generative AI, companies and their workers can reallocate time to focus on the high value ‘work that humans do best’: strategic thinking, collaboration, caring for others, decision making, innovation, problem solving, empathy, leadership.

The ten work tasks with most hours saved by Gen AI by 2026 in the UK according to the report:

  1. Maintain current knowledge in area of expertise (679,000 hours)
  2. Develop educational programs, plans, or procedures (665,000 hours)
  3. Create visual designs or displays (525,000 hours)
  4. Maintain operational records (512,000 hours)
  5. Prepare legal or regulatory documents (490,000 hours)
  6. Maintain health or medical records (406,000 hours)
  7. Prepare reports of operational or procedural activities (401,000 hours)
  8. Advise others on products or services (387,000 hours)
  9. Explain regulations, policies, or procedures (386,000 hours)
  10. Monitor individual behaviour or performance (383,000 hours)

Oliver Latham, VP of Strategy and Growth for Pearson Workforce Skills, said: “In nearly every workplace, people spend their day on common, time-consuming tasks that eat away at productivity or their work-life balance. If those tasks could be augmented with generative AI, employers and their workers could reallocate time to the things that needs a more human touch and mean more to their customers. Employers should consider how to incorporate this new technology into their teams, and redesign roles to free people up to focus on more valuable, human tasks. They should also consider the need for training and support for employees, so they can use it effectively and responsibly.”


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