As AI bullying makes its way into schools, parents want kids to know they’re supported

Bullying is changing in schools across the nation. Students are learning how to use artificial intelligence to create horrific content and then distribute that content online.

Through AI, I’m like, that’s just a whole other monster,” said Brianna Skaarer, a mother of four living in Arizona.

In schools across the country, students are now using AI to bully other students by creating photos, videos and audio recordings and then posting them online.

It’s just this whole other beast that we’ve never had to deal with before,” Skaarer said.

Although parents might not be able to prevent this content from being made, Skaarer said they can make sure their kids are supported at home.

Teach them their value. Not just with words but with the way that you treat them,” said Skaarer.

A mom of three and grandmother of seven, Lisa Hansen is the founder of Power Over Predators, an organization dedicated to teaching adults and kids the dangers of in-person and online abuse, which now includes AI bullying.

People can just immediately take it and turn it into something that’s going to be used against you or against your child,” Hansen said.

Hansen said this fall, they are updating the resources on their website to include AI.

Resources and things people can do if someone does exploit them that way,” Hansen said.

But similar to Skaarer, Hansen said it starts at home with parents making sure their kids feel supported, so they can help them through any tough situation.

When those types of attacks happen we can’t allow those things to determine whether or not we’re going to continue to thrive and function,” said Hansen.

Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission proposed new protections against AI impersonations and the Department of Justice created an AI Officer position to better understand the new technology.


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