
Fact sheet: EU-China vehicle trade – ACEA

China is the third largest market by value for EU vehicle exports after the US (ranked first) and the UK (ranked second).

This fact sheet examines vehicle trade flows between the EU and China, including the battery-electric car market. 

  • 438,034 battery-electric cars were imported from China into the EU in 2023, valuing €9.7 billion.
  • 11,499 battery-electric cars were exported from the EU to China in 2023, valuing €852.3 million.
  • The market share of cars made in China in EU battery-electric sales has climbed from around 3% to over 20% in the past three years.
    • Chinese brands account for around 8% of this market share

China is the third largest market by value for EU vehicle exports after the US (ranked first) and the UK (ranked second).

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This information was presumed to be correct at the time of publication. However, ACEA is not responsible for any inconsistencies or errors in the data.



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