Data Analytics

“Harvest of Hope” from EOS Data Analytics will help Ukrainian agrarians

EOS Data Analytics tries to help Ukrainian agrarians, who have found themselves in an extremely difficult situation since the beginning of Russia’s large-scale invasion. Using the power of their satellites, they have created an interactive map called “Harvest of Hope”.

Interactive map “Harvest of Hope”. Source:

“Harvest of Hope” project

When Russia carried out a large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the entire country was in a very difficult situation. Agrarians, who had to grow and harvest crops actually under shelling, were no exception. That’s why EOS Data Analytics, one of the world’s leading providers of satellite information for agro-monitoring, decided to help them.

A new initiative implemented by EOS Data Analytics was “Harvest of Hope“, a comprehensive web page that not only reflects the impact of war on local agriculture, but also shows how it all affects global food security. Its main element is an interactive map that shows how the cultivation of major crops in each area has changed over the years of large-scale invasion.

The map of the “Harvest of Hope” project was created using historical data and calculations from the Latifundist website, information from the CGMS-Ukraine system for previous years, and scenario analysis based on the predictions of the European Center for Medium-Term Weather Forecasts for 2024. 

How else EOS Data Analytics helps Ukrainian agrarians

The large-scale invasion has really hit Ukrainian agrarians hard. The year 2021 was a record year for the industry — farmers harvested 100 million tons of produce. In 2022, this figure was only 56 million tons. That’s why EOS Data Analytics has already repeatedly helped domestic agriculture with something it is really good at — information.

That is why the company has made free access to its main projectEOSDA Crop Monitoring platform — for Ukrainian farmers. It is already a much more powerful tool that provides information on the status of a particular field based on continuously updated satellite data.

All farmers need to do is apply to EOS Data Analytics, and they will provide a service that continuously monitors how well their crops grow in their fields, whether the plants receive enough moisture, and whether they are free from pests and diseases.

“The EOSDA Crop Monitoring system changes the way agriculture overcomes all types of challenges, whether it’s climate change or the effects of war. This is because our platform provides not just data, but analytics that allow farmers to act optimally and secure their crops from current and future uncertainty,” shares Kateryna Lozko, Head of Customer Support at EOS Data Analytics.

The company hopes that the application of modern information and space technologies will be the thing that will help Ukrainian agriculture to survive difficult times. The information gained from the “Harvest of Hope” project can be a source of confidence in times when it is difficult to plan ahead.

According to



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