Tesla Cybertruck police cruiser goes live in Dubai

A Tesla Cybertruck police cruiser has been unveiled in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), coming as the company’s latest electric vehicle (EV) to be re-purposed for law enforcement use.

On Sunday, the Dubai Police General Command posted photos of the Tesla Cybertruck patrol car on X, sporting a green and white wrap to match the country’s current police cruisers. The hood of the Cybertruck also includes the Dubai Police logo, and the department says the EV will be used as part of its tourist police luxury patrol fleet.

https://twitter.com/DubaiPoliceHQ/status/1802255395345277309?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener

The post also elicited responses from both the Tesla Cybertruck account, and CEO Elon Musk, who simply wrote “Cool” along with the sunglasses emoji.

“Very cool to see — thanks for the trust,” the Cybertruck account wrote on X.

Tesla last year garnered a massive fleet order for its EVs from the UAE company Arabia Taxi Dubai, which plans to use over 260 Model 3 units as a part of its taxi fleet. Musk also spoke at the country’s World Government Summit in Dubai last year, after he first attended the event back in 2017.

The news of Dubai’s latest police cruiser also comes after U.S. mods company Unplugged Performance unveiled a Cybertruck fully outfitted for police use earlier this month, which the company says will start deploying to police departments this year. Police departments around the world have begun piloting EV cruisers over the past few years, largely for their savings on maintenance and charging costs when compared to gas vehicles.

In February, Tesla said that its EVs could help save police departments more than $4,000 in equipment, using standard tech that comes with the U.S. automaker’s vehicles. Last month, one police department in Bargersville, Indiana, said that its 13 Tesla police vehicles had been saving taxpayers around $80,000 per year on fuel costs alone, after the department had been piloting the company’s vehicles since 2019.

What are your thoughts? Let me know at zach@teslarati.com, find me on X at @zacharyvisconti, or send us tips at tips@teslarati.com.


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