
A Journey with Zoya Sakr

Spend enough time in the vibrant heart of the United Arab Emirates, and you’ll soon believe that any dream is possible. This sentiment rings true for Zoya Sakr, the visionary behind The Flower Society.


Photo: Courtesy The Flower Society

As an entrepreneur and mother-of-three, it’s evident that Sakr’s success is not merely measured by profits, but by the values that resonate within all her ventures. “Connection is at the heart of everything I do,” she explains. “In a region where tradition meets innovation, I celebrate creativity and diversity. Every creation, be it a bespoke floral arrangement or a digital campaign, is testament to potential that we each have within us; and is possible in a thriving city like Dubai.”

Perhaps this ethos is tied to the fundamentals of who she is. Childhood days spent in her mother’s garden in the Lebanese village of Bentael, where her father founded a protected park, instilled within her a great love and respect for nature as well as an understanding that with persistence, beautiful things happen.

Transparency and empathy are woven into all aspects of Sakr’s ventures, from sourcing ethical materials to fostering a supportive environment for her team, with a great deal of attention spent on integrity. “My team is my family,” she muses. “Their passion and dedication breathe life into our creations. They work relentlessly to offer perfection through every single project and thankfully find great fulfilment in our growth, something I am deeply grateful and proud of.”

Having co-founded OLN in 2012, a holistic network of Arabic digital magazines, Zoya Sakr possesses a remarkable flair for nurturing growth. This tenacity has been extended to The Flower Society, which has grown 30% year on year, with a 300% growth in 2024’s peak season. And that’s not all, Zoya hints at conceptualizing and building more businesses in the region in the coming years.

However, Zoya’s journey transcends the realm of business; it’s a celebration of the boundless potential that exists within the region. “In this land of opportunity, success knows no gender and Arab women possess the resilience and creativity to forge their own brilliant paths,” she asserts. “It’s a place that pulses with energy and possibility, one that is quick to reward those who dare to dream.” Through her endeavors, Zoya wishes that her journey serves as inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly Arab women who approach their goals with open hearts and minds.

In a world where success is often measured by numbers and accolades, Zoya Sakr reminds us that true prosperity lies in the unwavering pursuit of excellence, the community, and embracing one’s heritage. As her story unfolds, it becomes clear that Zoya Sakr isn’t just building businesses; she is crafting a legacy.


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