
A movement that celebrates Eastern Europe’s coffee culture and entrepreneurship

CoffeEast, the first regional coffee festival in Eastern Europe, took place last month in Bucharest and attracted over 150 exhibitors and almost 20,000 visitors. Featuring barista competitions, live concerts, and workshops, the event captivated coffee enthusiasts. Business Review talked to Mihai Panfil, founder of CoffeEast and Origo coffee, one of the first specialty coffee spots in Romania.

What inspired the creation of COFFEEAST, and what sets it apart from other coffee festivals?

CoffeEast was inspired by a desire to celebrate Eastern Europe’s vibrant coffee culture, hungry for new experiences in thrilling lifestyle products. I envisioned CoffeEast as more than just a run-of-the-mill specialty coffee festival. It’s a community endeavor, aiming to firmly place Romania on the European coffee map, bringing substantial benefits to the country’s brand.

In recent years, we’ve seen a surge of cafes, roasteries, and professionals, fueled by a growing fan base embracing the coffee lifestyle. This peak in Romania’s coffee narrative makes it the perfect time for an event like CoffeEast to take place in Bucharest.

CoffeEast celebrates this dynamic local and regional coffee scene, fostering pride and camaraderie among the coffee and artisan community. It serves as both a social and professional event, showcasing the creativity, artistry, and diversity of Eastern Europe’s entrepreneurs and passionate consumers.

By championing collaboration and cultural exchange, CoffeEast sets itself apart as a trailblazer in the world of specialty coffee events, leaving a lasting impact on both the local and global coffee community.

Can you elaborate on the representation of coffee waves at COFFEEAST, and how does each wave contribute to the festival’s dynamic atmosphere?

At CoffeEast, we welcome representatives from all the remarkable coffee waves in the industry. Our festival is a melting pot of iconic Second-Wave Coffee, where the focus is on accessibility and familiarity, offering comforting classics that have stood the test of time.

CoffeEast also celebrates the revolutionary Third-Wave Coffee movement, a paradigm shift that emphasizes transparency, sustainability, and the pursuit of exceptional quality. Here, attendees can expect to encounter ethically sourced, ultra-specialty beans sourced from small farms and artisanal roasters who meticulously craft smaller batches, each with its own unique story and flavor profile.

And let’s not forget about the cutting-edge Fourth-Wave Coffee movement, where precision brewing and scientific mastery converge to push the boundaries of what’s possible in coffee flavor and brewing techniques. At CoffeEast, visitors will have the opportunity to experience mind-boggling flavors and witness firsthand the latest innovations in brewing equipment that are reshaping the coffee landscape.

Each of these coffee waves contributes to the dynamic atmosphere of CoffeEast in its own unique way. Together, they create an electrifying environment where attendees can immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of coffee culture, explore new frontiers, and savor unforgettable taste experiences.

Whether you’re a seasoned coffee aficionado or just dipping your toes into the world of specialty coffee, there’s something for everyone at CoffeEast.

Can you provide insight into how Bucharest’s vibrant Third Wave Coffee movement influences the atmosphere and offerings at CoffeEast?

Through CoffeEast, we are not just hosting a festival; we are creating a movement that celebrates the best of Eastern Europe’s coffee culture and entrepreneurship. And Bucharest takes the center stage.

Our city’s Third Wave Coffee scene has cultivated a culture of innovation, creativity, and community within the coffee industry. This culture permeates every aspect of CoffeEast, from the selection of exhibitors and partners to the programming of workshops and competitions.

Building a festival of this magnitude demands a significant investment of time, effort, and financial resources. However, as much effort as it takes to create such an event, it’s equally essential for people to come together and have meaningful conversations and interactions in a vibrant space that inspires community engagement.

In its essence, CoffeEast serves as a platform for Bucharest’s vibrant Third Wave Coffee to showcase their talent, share their knowledge, and connect with like-minded individuals from all around the region.

What role do Eastern European baristas play in shaping the global coffee culture, and how does CoffeEast celebrate their talent and dedication?

At CoffeEast, we recognize and celebrate their talent through events like the GreatEast Cup competition. The GreatEast Cup competition serves as a platform for them to demonstrate their creativity, expertise, and passion for coffee. However, it’s not just about individual baristas; the competition’s format is designed to integrate the participation of coffee shop owners and roasters as well. Without their collaboration and support, the competition wouldn’t be possible.

We wanted the GreatEast Cup to be not only competitive but also fun and inclusive. The rules are designed to be straightforward and accessible, allowing participants to focus on showcasing their skills and creativity. By fostering an environment that encourages collaboration and camaraderie, CoffeEast aims to promote a sense of unity and mutual support within the coffee industry.

What innovations or advancements can attendees expect to experience at CoffeEast?

From specialty home barista gadgets to cutting-edge technology for coffee shops, we’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in coffee preparation. Our festival showcases technology that helps you brew coffee at home at café standards, while for coffee shops we feature laser precision technology for specific needs like coffee extractions, new coffee products or bar flow management. Whether you’re a home enthusiast or a professional barista, CoffeEast promises to introduce you to the latest tools and technique that will elevate your coffee experience to new heights.

Could you provide insight into the selection process for participants at CoffeEast? What criteria are used to ensure a diverse and enriching lineup of exhibitors and presenters?

We believe in the power of community and collaboration, recognizing that the coffee industry is not just about coffee itself, but also about various creative industries. Our criteria for selecting exhibitors and partners go beyond simply evaluating their products or services. We seek out businesses who embody the values of CoffeEast as a community event—a celebration of craftsmanship, creativity, and innovation.

In assembling our lineup, we intentionally seek out a diverse range of participants, including not only coffee & technology businesses but also artisans, designers, architects, and more.

CoffeEast is a welcoming space for everyone, from seasoned brands to emerging newcomers. By curating a lineup that reflects the rich tapestry of Eastern Europe’s creative industries, we aim to spark conversations, and celebrate the vibrant spirit of our community.

In what ways does COFFEEAST foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among coffee enthusiasts, professionals, and industry experts?

At CoffeEast, collaboration and knowledge exchange are fundamental to our festival experience. We offer a diverse range of activities, from lectures and workshops to cuppings and tastings, providing ample opportunities for coffee enthusiasts, professionals, and industry experts to come together, learn, and connect. Whether attendees are exploring new brewing techniques, discussing sustainability practices, or diving into the latest coffee trends, CoffeEast serves as a vibrant hub for dialogue and education.

Additionally, CoffeEast features the Village area, where exhibitors including micro-roasteries, taste artisans, architects, designers, and representatives from various creative industries converge to showcase their work and explore collaborative possibilities. This space fosters interdisciplinary exchange, inspiring innovation and new partnerships beyond the coffee industry.

The GreatEast Cup Competition also adds excitement and camaraderie, providing baristas with a platform to shine and facilitating networking among participants.

Moreover, with live performances, art installations, and cultural experiences, CoffeEast creates a rich tapestry of collaboration and community, offering attendees the chance to engage in vibrant conversations and leave inspired to make a positive impact within and beyond the coffee community.

How does COFFEEAST address sustainability concerns within the coffee industry, especially regarding waste management and environmental impact?

At CoffeEast, sustainability is a core focus from the very first edition of the festival and continues to be a priority as we move forward. We are dedicated to incorporating a range of sustainability initiatives into our event, including workshops that educate attendees on eco-friendly practices and creative solutions for event design that minimize environmental impact. Additionally, we actively seek partnerships with industry leaders who share our commitment to sustainability, collaborating on initiatives to implement environmentally responsible practices in day-to-day business operations.

A key aspect of our sustainability efforts is waste management, and we have established partnerships with companies like My Eco Box for coffee ground recycling and Biosector for biodegradable cups. Looking ahead, we are committed to broadening our sustainability focus by including discussions on legal and environmental aspects in future editions of the festival.

In terms of event design, we are committed to standardizing our presence at CoffeEast by designing stands that can be used across multiple editions.

In what ways does COFFEEAST collaborate with local communities and businesses in Bucharest and across Eastern Europe to create a mutually beneficial partnership?

At CoffeEast, we believe in the importance of involving local and regional businesses in every facet of the festival. From the exciting competition to the informative lectures and engaging workshops, we ensure that CoffeEast is a true reflection of the vibrant and diverse coffee community of Eastern Europe. By actively involving local and regional businesses, we not only showcase their talents and contributions but also create a sense of ownership and pride within the community.

Through networking initiatives and cross-promotion efforts, we forge mutually beneficial partnerships that enrich both CoffeEast and the communities we serve. These partnerships allow us to amplify the reach and impact of the festival while also providing valuable exposure and opportunities for local businesses. By working together, we create a win-win situation where both CoffeEast and the local community can thrive and grow together, strengthening the bonds within the coffee industry and fostering a culture of collaboration and support.

What key messages or takeaways does COFFEEAST hope attendees will leave with?

Our goal is to create a beautiful, creative, and inspirational atmosphere that ignites the heart of participants with adventure and excitement. As the first event of its kind in Eastern Europe, CoffeEast stands out as a unique platform where different industries converge with a clear intention: to facilitate learning and inspiration between established players and emerging talents.

Whether you’re from a large commercial brand or a small boutique business, whether you’re in coffee or design, CoffeEast provides a space where industry professionals can come together, share insights, and spark new ideas

Ultimately, we hope attendees leave CoffeEast with a renewed sense of inspiration, a wealth of new connections, and a deeper appreciation for the vibrant and dynamic coffee community of Eastern Europe.


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