AAA Survey: Consumers Are Becoming Less Interested In Electric Vehicles

WESTWOOD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Less Americans are buying electric vehicles, over concerns related to the limited range of electric cars along with the lack of convenient fast charging options according to the latest AAA annual consumer survey on EV’s.
The survey also revealed that only 18% of U.S. adults say they’re “very likely” or “likely” to purchase a new EV, which is a figure down from 23% last year. During the same time, the survey revealed 63% of participants said they were “unlikely or very unlikely” to buy an EV for their next car.
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“Now that EVs have been on the market for several years, early adopters and enthusiasts already have one,” said Mark Schieldrop, Senior Spokesperson for AAA Northeast. “The remaining consumers who haven’t already adopted EV’s view the current cost, convenience and ownership experience as big enough hurdles to keep them from making the jump right now,” Schieldrop added.
While these survey results suggest that EV adoption could be dwindling in popularity for now, the survey also revealed that consumers are showing more interest in hybrid vehicles, with a third of respondents indicating that they are “very likely” or “likely” to purchase a hybrid for their next new or used vehicle, according to AAA.
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Survey information also revealed that consumers find hybrid vehicles more appealing than their fully electric counterparts primarily because they don’t have to be dependent on finding a public charging station during their travels or that they don’t need to install a home charging station.
“Consumers want more efficient and sustainable vehicles, but deciding to take the leap to an EV can seem like a daunting lifestyle change,” added Schieldrop.
Survey respondents indicated that their primary reasons for their interest in EV’s consist of being able to save money on gas and believe that they are better for the environment.
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