Generative AI

Adopting Generative AI in the legal sector: what’s the actual ROI?

Flash news (not really): the legal profession is undergoing a significant transformation with the advent of advanced automation technologies, particularly Generative AI. You must all have heard already that the latter’s potential for enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of tasks for lawyers and legal operatives is enormous. How enormous, exactly, and what to do about it? It’s still quite unclear. I speak to legal professionals on a daily basis and have realized one thing: they know they need to do something about GenAI – but they’re not sure what, or how much it will cost, or how successful their experiments are likely to be. This is problematic, especially given the pace of change in GenAI, which is getting faster and faster: anyone with an anxiety-driven, uninformed decision-making process will be left behind. In parallel, everything I read about GenAI these days is full of superlatives and vague hypotheses that say nothing in the way of practicality and costs.

So here, I wanted to give a detailed analysis of GenAI’s most promising applications in the legal sector (what to prioritize for hesitant teams) – and more importantly, the true ROI they can bring (a bit more certainty on how much to invest, for what result). Two priority areas that our legal clients are interested in, in this context, are property lease review and jurisdiction analysis. These areas demonstrate the use of GenAI on very long and highly unstructured documents, often tens of pages long, which are scans of scans. Previous generation technologies failed to add substantial value to this space, whereas GenAI is expanding the potential. These areas also have a legitimate problem that needs solving and streamlining, as typically high-volume work.

Dawid Kotur

CEO and founder of Curvestone.

Use cases: property lease review & jurisdiction analysis


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