Adventist Education Promotes Solidarity Through Entrepreneurship Fair in Brazil

“Good morning, what açaí would you like?” were phrases like this that took over the Colégio Adventista de Governador Valadares in Minas Gerais, Brazil, on June 12, 2024. Motivated by an interdisciplinary project planned since March, the students had the opportunity to learn characteristics that go beyond the classroom, expanding their vision of the world and the future.
The vast exhibition was filled with corn-based foods, sweets, Arabic cupcakes, pizzas, drinks, used clothes, and books. Guilherme Barros, pedagogical advisor, explains that there are multiple intelligences and that an activity like this provides space for student development. “Entrepreneurship encourages students to think outside the box, seek creative solutions, and transform ideas into actions,” says Barros.

Carlos Daniel, a first-year high school student, highlighted that the experience was enriching and an important step in his journey as an entrepreneur. “I learned that, to have a better future, we need to make an effort and pursue our goals”, he reflects. Luiza Gomes, aged 10, shared the difficulties faced, such as choosing products and the importance of teamwork. “We learned that having someone to lead and organize things helps a lot. Without our teacher, everything would have been a big mess,” she comments.

Beyond the School Wall
Andréia Reis, the class teacher, coordinated the group and emphasized the positive impact of the fair on the school community. “Students not only learned about entrepreneurship, but also about the importance of solidarity. We decided to use the funds raised to purchase a wheelchair for needy children,” she highlights. Another group decided to allocate donations to the population of Rio Grande do Sul, a region currently impacted by recent floods.
The original article was published on the South American Division Portuguese website.