Agency looks at EV charging corridors

The Arkansas Department of Transportation said it will target gaps in the network of electric-vehicle charging corridors in the next round of funding.

The corridors are on interstate highways in the state as well as U.S. 412.

Interstate 49 between Fayetteville and Fort Smith is one such gap on the existing corridors. Five fast-charging stations haven’t agreed to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program’s reporting requirements yet, either; should they not do so, the transportation department will have more gaps to fill.

The federal program has given states funding to build charging stations every 50 miles along designated corridors. Arkansas has tens of millions of dollars to build out charging stations into 2026. The department recently awarded grants to 19 charging stations.

“While our NEVI timeline remains flexible, ARDOT is committed to reaching fully built out status as soon as is feasible,” depart spokesperson Ellen Coulter said in an email. “We anticipate that the second round … will be initiated in the near future.”

Most of the state’s non-interstate four-lane divided highways are not National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure corridors.


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