AI And Robotics In Cell Line Development Enhancing Efficiency And Accuracy

Researchers in the specialized field of cell line development are constantly faced with the dual challenges of upholding high-throughput efficiency and ensuring clonality. These challenges are often exacerbated by manual processes and the complexities of analyzing sophisticated cell lines. This webinar offers attendees a deep dive into the latest developments in high-resolution multi-plane whole well imaging and the transformative impact of AI-powered image analysis on clonality decisions and optimal clone selection.
Whether the goal is to streamline biopharmaceutical manufacturing or propel novel cell-based therapies forward, the expert speakers will provide valuable insights into leveraging digital and physical automation. This approach aims to improve research outcomes while ensuring both reproducibility and scalability. Furthermore, the discussion will highlight how Cell Metric X (CMX) is revolutionizing efficiency and accuracy in cell line development, addressing the industry’s critical needs and driving biotechnological advancements.