Generative AI

AI to Disrupt Online Business Economy

The Gist

  • AI disruption. Generative AI is reshaping online business models, causing widespread disruption.
  • Monetization shift. Traditional web monetization methods face challenges from AI’s rise.
  • New models. Replacing ad dollars with agent fees is complex, requiring new models.

As generative AI products ingest more of the web — via deals like OpenAI’s with Vox and The Atlantic recently — the impact could be felt well beyond news publishers.

“Chaos” is en route for the broader online economy, VC Joe Marchese of Human Ventures texted me, with the technology poised to reshape a decades-old system of online referrals and business building.

An image of a cracked, fragmented surface with irregularly shaped, angular pieces breaking apart. The surface appears to be a smooth, solid material, and the cracks radiate outward from a central point, suggesting disruption and instability. The overall color is a muted, cool gray, creating a stark and abstract visual representation of structural breakdown in piece about the impact of generative AI on the online economy.
“Chaos” is en route for the broader online economy, VC Joe Marchese of Human Ventures says, with the technology poised to reshape a decades-old system of online referrals and business building.VAlex on Adobe Stock Photos

Marchese sold his ad tech firm, TrueX, to 21st Century Fox, and ran advanced advertising at Fox Networks for years, so he knows the system better than most. After his “chaos” text, I called him up to ask him what he meant. Here’s our (brief) conversation:

Internet Business Models Facing Chaos

Alex Kantrowitz: Why is “chaos” coming for the business model of every business on the internet, as you texted?

Joe Marchese: The web is an infrastructure built on paying for, or optimizing for, referred traffic, and the ability to monetize people once they get to a webpage. If that changes in any way, it’s not just publishers who are going to feel massive shifts in their business models, but online travel, ecommerce and every sector that’s built on the pipes of the internet.

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AI Disrupting Online Ad Revenue

Kantrowitz: How would that play out in online advertising, for example?

Marchese: The vast majority of online advertising is built on top of search. Click on a link, get a fee, create a value chain. Or it’s impression based: Someone goes to a web page, is served an impression, an advertiser is charged. Even if generative AI is not going to collapse that tomorrow, if it causes a 10% or 20% decrease in that, imagine what it means for something that’s basically the size of the internet.

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