
Alabama News Center — Hundreds of K-12 students take part in Alabama Robotics Competition : The Alabama Weather Blog

By: Alex House

About 300 K-12 students from across Alabama were in Tuscaloosa recently to take part in the Alabama Robotics Competition hosted by the University of Alabama College of Engineering.

The competition introduces students to computer science and teaches basic programming skills through interactive challenges. Teams are judged on their programming skills by writing programs onsite designed to navigate their robots across a series of obstacle courses.

UA has hosted the Alabama Robotics Competition since 2011. In addition to the students, hundreds of teachers, volunteers and family members also attended the event.

The Alabama Weather Blog is pleased to present an excerpt from a featured article in partnership with the Alabama News Center. For the full post including images, videos, and related links, please visit the article HERE.

Category: ALL POSTS, Partner News Stories

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Alabama News Center tels the stories of the people and businesses powering the states of Alabama, striving to make Alabama a wonderful place to live and work.


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