
Amex: Leading the Way for Female Leadership in Financial Services

“During my 16 years at Amex, I’ve had some great women mentors who have really helped to guide and shape who I am as a leader today,” says Hannah. 

“I learned a lot from them, and while it’s important to take onboard advice from others, you also have to do so in a way that feels right for you.”

For Hannah, what makes an individual different is what ends up becoming their ‘superpower’, and aspiring female leaders in finserv should not let preconceptions about what makes a great leader impact their authenticity.

“I think that women often put extra pressure on ourselves because we feel somehow there is more to prove. In a traditionally male-dominated sector there may be an even greater tendency to set ourselves impossibly high standards,” she continues.

“We all have our own unique ways of solving problems, leading and motivating people, and if you’re not doing that authentically, it won’t be effective and you won’t have the impact you want to have on your colleagues, business or your own career.

“One aspect of my own style I have learned to embrace is listening and seeking to understand other’s thought processes. I want to be challenged, I want to hear a range of perspectives and I want to ensure my decision making is considered and thoughtful.”

Hannah notes that empowering colleagues to speak up is a great stimulus for creative thinking. “In a sector that is driven by innovation, I want everyone to feel empowered to share their ideas because that’s what propels our business forward.”

Stacey Sterbenz

Stacey Sterbenz has recently been appointed the role of Senior Vice President, Acquisition and Customer Marketing for International Card Services, following a 2-year tenure as Vice President & UK General Manager of Global Commercial Services, where she played an integral part in driving the commercial sales and marketing teams at Amex.


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