Artificial Intelligence, Fears and Coming over those Challenges | by pradeepkhakhariya | Apr, 2024

As we all know that Big Revolution of 21st Century that is unfolding itself is ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Even though its currently in basic stage of evolution, it has created a lot of fear in the minds of not only the blue collar workers but also white, Gold and Pink collar job workers too about their future. But is this fear worth it or is there another perception through which we can see this change ? Lets find this out.
Before going into the deeper understanding of its fear and the idea of coming over it, let us know what the core idea of AI is in layman language.
Artificial Intelligence is the capability of the Machine to learn, think and act as per the situation given to it. Basically saying, it will give the machine, for example: Computer a mind of its own to perform tasks.
Efficient analysis, Data Handling, Rational thinking, Timely and efficient Action, Goal oriented results, Improvisation based on Feedback are some of the characteristics of Artificial Intelligence.
We will elaborately try to understand some of the common Short term and Long term fears that has affected our minds.
- Job Loss: This is the most common and genuine concern that common person like me and you have. AI Powered Automation, AI software and Tools performing routine tasks, General Decision making and Pattern following tasks can easily do some tasks of the employed people working in Blue, White, Gold and Pink Collar workers currently. I mean really its very scary even thinking about Job loss in midst of the world that is becoming uncertain day after day. This can have cascading effect on our lives.
- Skill gap and Skill death: In this rapid evolving world of AI, its challenging for workers to keep up with demands of the industry. This problems intensifies where the resources available are low. This will create a skill gap between what skills are required in industry and what workers will possess. Imagine completing a certified course on Mid level Coding or CNC machine coding and when apply for Job, you get to know that Industry has started using AI tools which are working efficiently and also those Complex coding is now being replaced by just mere words. This according to me is Skill Death.
- Economic Inequality: Skill gap and Skill death will lead to Long term Economic inequality among workers who would mitigate themselves with the change and would update themselves with time and those mass who would fail to mitigate the changes. According to World Inequality report, 2022 released by World Inequality lab shows that Poorest half of global population owns only 2% of Wealth while Richest 10% owns 76% Wealth in the world. This data is of world wide while inequality inside some of nations may be worse.
- Ethical Concerns: Ethics is a Dynamic topic and AI with Biased Algorithms or AI used for malicious purpose really creates serious Ethical Questions. Deep Fakes, Use of AI in terrorism and in influencing the voters in Elections in various parts of the world are the problems that has already been posing question of Ethical use of AI.
- Safety Concerns: Malfunctioning of AI powered machines or tools can seriously lead to loss of life of Humans. Also loss of control in sophisticated AI powered military weapons can lead to long term problems in already tensed world.
- Privacy Breach: AI works on the data available to it and such data if misused or mishandled then it may poses serious privacy concerns. Also AI powered tools can be unethically used to put surveillance.
- Existential Crisis: Even though its a far fetched reality but many technocrats like Elon Musk has posed some real questions. AI surpassing Human Intelligence, the kind of work, society and humanity are long term concerns.
Remember early 2000 era when Internet and different tools were spreading throughout the world ? There used to be same fear and anxiety regarding Internet. But as we are reading this article, we know how Internet has transformed our lives into better one. Not denying the challenges faced, However if the change is embraced with proper strategy and adaptability, it can lead to progress. After all, Change is Inevitable ! But why workers don’t need to fear and how to Strategize and adapt ? Lets discuss it.
- After all, AI operates on Data: Data collection and Data Handling itself is a big thing and above that Government regulations actually helps in protecting our private data. AI works on the data that is available to it. It can generate the results based on the feedback and learn from it but imagine the permutations and combinations and the factor such as evolution of human mind throughout history, Matching the human intelligence would be very very ….. difficult thing to do.
- AI helps and doesn’t replace: AI is a powerful tool that can help humankind in making life better and it’s not meant for taking over all kind of Jobs. AI can be used to enhance the efficiency of the work and while some work may be automated with help of AI, it will also create many opportunities in new upcoming fields. For example: AI Promt expert, Data Handling, Data Analysis,etc.
- Equalizing the Inequality: Government, Organizations should help the workers in Upskilling, Training, Reskilling and must help them in Adaptability of AI. The Good News from 2023 data about Internet users is that currently approx 5.3 Billion or two-third of global population are Connected to Internet. This will help in getting them out of poverty and connecting them with world which will have positive effect in joining them in the AI Revolution.
- Level Playing field: AI helps in creating a level playing field by giving everyone equal opportunity to learn and Progress further. Many companies have offered use of many AI tools for free and this will help everyone in Upskilling themselves.
- Adaptability: Humans throughout the History has been known for Adaptability. Instead of fearing, Workers actually can use AI to learn about it and stay relevant in the Job market. Also Government need to Invest in Education, Reskilling and creating workforce that is of Global standard level.
- Prioritizing Safety and Privacy: Unlike Internet times, Government and Organizations are actively making policies, regulations and with that also not stopping innovation happening in AI field. For example: EU AI Act, USA’s AI Bill of Rights, etc. Additionally, the Government must actively work with private entities to ensure safe development and use of AI by utilising their resources.
- Ethical use of AI: Along with regulations and Policies, We should adopt AI practices that are Fair, Transparent and use it for betterment of Humankind. Government policies and Regulations must fix accountability on its misuse and should force some Punishments on its misuse for example: In terrorism or any such unethical and inhumane practices.
- Social Sectors: We can actually Harness the Power of AI in transforming lives of Humans and especially those who are in dire need of it.As we know, AI can be helpful in Social fields such as Health, Education, Sustainable development too and with this we can uplift the marginals.
Yes there are fears which are genuine and yes anxiety around it is high in some fields but this isn’t the first time that we the Human Kind has faced such situations. Also our experience has taught us that such changes creates some short term challenges but in the long term, such changes have proven to be beneficial to the humankind. So my friends, with Adaptability, Upskilling, Collaborations, and Regulations, Let’s Harness the Power of AI in transforming our lives rather than Fearing of it.