
Artist Entrepreneurs Prepare For Periscope CHA Pitch Night

ArtsBuild – the nonprofit that supports the arts and artists in Chattanooga and Hamilton County – is another community partner for the inaugural Chattanooga Entrepreneur Week.

Since last fall, it has hosted its first cohort of nearly two dozen artists in Periscope Chattanooga, a business development program that connects artists with entrepreneurs.

A final pitch night for Periscope is Wednesday, May 1st at RISE Chattanooga – 2901 Taylor St. – starting at 6 PM.

James McKissic is president of ArtsBuild.

I spoke with him – and artists Courtney Cox and Sarah Mixson.

Banner for Periscope CHA Pitch Night 2024.

For more on Chattanooga Entrepreneur Week, visit chabusiness.org/cew.


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