Australian electric vehicle sales by month and by model in 2024

The Driven publishes detailed sales data for Australian passenger electric vehicle sales on this page. Data is sourced from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) report known as VFacts, the Electric Vehicle Council (EVC) and individual companies.

This page will be updated as new data is released each month, and as new information comes to hand.

Monthly EV sales in Australia

The table below tracks the monthly volume of each passenger electric vehicle model currently sold in Australia. Missing data in some rows or cells indicates we are waiting for information from those respective manufacturers, usually for electric vehicles that have an equivalent internal combustion engine (ICE) variant.

For more details on individual EV models available in Australia, please visit our EV Models page. And for handy tips on the EV experience, please check out our EV Explainers section and our section on Road Trips and Reviews.


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