Automobile “Premier controle technique” | Expat Forum For People Moving Overseas And Living Abroad

Most people visit the CT station themselves after making the rdv, the process is only around 30 minutes, you will get the result immediately. If there are major failures that require immediate work in order to pass they will be documented to you and you take the car to your choice of garagiste for the work. Then you return to a CT station (does not have to be the same one) for the follow-up CT. Note most charge a reduced fee for this contre-visite, some though will not, but most do.
Should the vehicle have some failings, not serious enough to fail the CT, they will be documented as an advisory for you to do in your own time without need for a contre-visite.
There’s no guarantee that your garagiste can guarantee at CT pass, that’s down solely to the CT station. The garagiste will obviously do their best to prep the car, this would likely be chargeable unless included in your vehicle purchase package.
The car would have to be in a REALLY bad shape for them to fail and not let you drive it away.