BCG announces AI collaboration with NASA and USRA

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has announced a collaboration on generative AI (GenAI) with NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley and the Universities Space Research Association (USRA).
The industry, government, and academic experts will form a lab to explore the benefits of GenAI technologies in Earth science, including satellite weather data, life sciences, and engineering.
“In this pivotal moment in time for AI, the GenAI lab represents a unique opportunity to rapidly and responsibly advance the application of AI for public good applications,” said David Bell, director of USRA’s research institute for advanced computer science.
The lab will conduct research, development, testing, and evaluation of GenAI technologies, as well as analyze GenAI technologies through publicly accessible datasets.
BCG X, the consulting firm’s tech build and design unit, will represent BCG in the collaboration.
“We have only just begun to explore the transformative power of GenAI in Earth sciences,” said Christoph Schweizer, CEO of BCG. “BCG is privileged to work with NASA and USRA. Together, we are pioneering the critical research and development necessary to propel these technologies forward, ultimately benefiting global society.”