Biden’s Plan to Mandate Electric Vehicles in Combat Will Greatly Weaken and Undermine the US Military

President Joe Biden says US is spending billions to make military vehicles ‘climate friendly’ and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm recently said during a Senate Armed Services committee hearing that she supports Biden administration efforts to require the U.S. military to implement an all-electric vehicle fleet by the year 2030, telling lawmakers that she believes “we can get there” !!!! (I Did Not Make This Up)
It seems that going “green” and net-zero is more important than the lives of our military fighting force, in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force and the National Security of America.
At a time when American states are having difficult times subsidizing a network of charging stations on “our” friendly lands, Biden supports charging stations on foreign sites around the world where wars are fought with real military lives at stake.
- At a time when those charging stations in America are becoming less reliable, and maintenance in major metropolis areas is also unreliable, Biden supports electrical grids and charging stations on foreign locations, which would be stationary targets!
- At a time when EV sales are tanking around the world and most of the exotic minerals and metals needed to go “green” with EV’s, wind turbines, and solar panels, are controlled by China and Africa that have minimal labor and environmental laws, that result in environmental degradation and humanity abuses to their people and their lands that support “clean” energy in wealthier countries like America.
Biden is oblivious to the reality that our enemies only need to eradicate charging stations to demobilize the military electric vehicle fleet and put the lives of our troops at severe risk of elimination.
Soon after the book “Clean Energy Exploitations” nomination for a Pulitzer Prize, President Biden provided validation to the books’ message that there is no such thing as a clean supply chain of minerals and metals from lesser developed countries. All are tainted by various degrees of abuse, including slavery, child labor, forced labor, debt bondage, human trafficking, hazardous and toxic working conditions, low wages, injury and death, and incalculable environmental harm when the Biden administration declared October 4, 2022, that batteries from China may be tainted by child labor.
- However, Biden NOW believes that zero emissions at any cost, in dollars or military lives, is an American priority that supersedes the environmental and humanity abuses that support “clean” electricity.
- To achieve net-zero emissions, Biden supports the continuation of subsidies to go “green” and providing financial encouragement for China and Africa to CONTINUE exploiting “their” poor with yellow, brown, and black skin, and financially supporting the environmental degradation to “their” landscapes, just to support an all-electric military vehicle fleet for America.
Question: Do the Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force Generals that report directly to Biden, support this bizarre plan, i.e., the reality that our enemies only need to destroy EV charging stations to demobilize the military electric vehicle fleet and expose the lives of our military fighting force without mobility?
“This is a globalist move to weaken the United States at a time when our nation is under siege from all sides. The US military is not an experiment for ‘what-if’ scenarios. They are a fighting force for freedom and deserve the best tools for the job.” – Malcolm Out Loud
With our National Security on the line, and the lives of our Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force military personnel around the world, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm supports the Biden administration efforts to require the U.S. military to implement an all-electric vehicle fleet by the year 2030, telling lawmakers that she believes “we can get there” !!!! (To reiterate, I Did Not Make This Up)
Photo by West Virginia National Guard. Public Domain Mark 1.0 Universal.