BV BOE to Get District Accountability Committee Report on Artificial Intelligence – by Carly Winchell

Buena Vista (BV) Board of Education (BoE) will meet next on Monday, April 22. The afternoon will begin with a 5:00 p.m. study session focused on Chapters 7 through 8 of Closing the Trust Gap and on principal student data. The regular meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will include board committee principles and student assessment and the District Accountability Committee (DAC) Report on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Both meetings are located at 113 North Court Street in Buena Vista.
Community members can sign up for public comment to weigh in on topics related to the BoE and the Buena Vista School District (BVSD). The public is limited to three minutes of comment per person or fifteen minutes per topic.
Up for discussion and action during the April 22 meeting are revisions to GP 6: Board Committee Principles and Policy IKA: Grading and Assessment.
GP 6 states, “Board committees, when used, will be used to support the work of the Board and to reinforce the wholeness of the Board’s job and never to interfere with delegation of authority from the Board to the Superintendent.” Essentially, Board Committees are used to support the work of the full Board, but any direction to the Superintendent must come from the full Board, not a Board-created committee.
Policy IKA states, “The district believes that students will respond more positively to the opportunity for success than to the threat of failure. The district shall seek, therefore, in its instructional program to make achievement both recognizable and possible for students. It shall emphasize achievement in its processes of evaluating student performance.” The policy goes on to cover standardized testing and the school’s grading system.
The Board will consider approving the Consent Agenda, which includes:
- Contracts and Agreements for the 2024 to 2025 school year, such as Professional and Support Staff contracts.
- The BoE Monthly Reconciliation Report for March 2024.
- The Investment Report for March 2024.
- The Third Quarter Financial Summary Report, including third quarter expenditures, fund balance with amended budget, and revenue report.
- The EL 7: Curriculum and Instruction and Extra Curriculars monitoring report.
- AEC Renewal Application for Chaffee County High School (CCHS).
A Director Report about quarterly financials is expected at this meeting in addition to the financial reports included in the consent agenda, followed by the DAC’s report on Artificial Intelligence.
Superintendent Lisa Yates will deliver a report on ENDS Measure 2: Learning Disposition Survey and Participation.
Reports on the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), DAC, the Elementary/Preschool Campus Committee, and Board Member Correspondence are also expected.
According to the agenda, “The Board of Education will move into Executive Session for reasons allowable pursuant C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(f)(I) (to discuss personnel matters specifically related to feedback on Superintendent Lisa Yates’ job performance in connection with an annual performance evaluation).”
The Board will then reconvene for the Board Evaluation and Unfinished Business before adjourning.
The next BV BoE Meeting is planned for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 13.
For more information on what’s happening in the Buena Vista School District, community members can read the April BV Monthly. The BV Monthly newsletter includes a superintendent letter, BV Schools and what’s in the news, event announcements, and other useful information about the district. It is available to read on the school’s website.
Agendas and packets for BV BoE meetings are also available on the district’s website.