
California regulator rejects AT&T’s request to withdraw as carrier of last resort – Fort Bragg Advocate-News

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has recently reviewed feedback from consumers across the state and examined the evidence presented on the record. As a result, the CPUC has issued a proposal that denies AT&T’s request to withdraw as a carrier of last resort (COLR). The CPUC has also indicated its intention to launch a new rulemaking procedure to address COLR telecommunications service responsibilities. The proposal will be on the CPUC’s June 20 meeting agenda.

In California, everyone has the right to access safe, reliable, and affordable telephone service. To ensure this, a telecommunications service provider known as a COLR (Carrier of Last Resort) is legally obligated to provide basic telephone service to any customer who requests it within their specified service area. Even if multiple telephone companies operate in the region, at least one must fulfill the COLR obligation. This ensures that everyone in the area can access emergency services and other essential communication resources.

According to CPUC regulations, a COLR is required to provide universal access to telecommunications services in all service areas. Currently, AT&T is the designated COLR in many parts of California and is the largest one in the state. Being the default telephone service provider means the company must offer traditional telephone service over copper, fiber, cable, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), or wireless to any potential customer in that service territory. AT&T proposes withdrawing as the COLR without a new carrier being designated as a COLR. Public participation in this proceeding was comprehensive, with over 5,000 public comments received into the record. Additionally, eight Public Forums were held in-person in three cities and virtually across the state, drawing more than 5,800 attendees.

The proposal of the CPUC highlights the importance of ensuring that every Californian has access to essential telecommunications services. As the designated provider of COLR, AT&T has a crucial role in providing reliable phone services to communities throughout the state. Despite AT&T’s claim that voice alternatives to landline services, such as VoIP or mobile wireless services, can replace the need for COLR, the CPUC found that AT&T did not meet the requirements for COLR withdrawal. Specifically, AT&T failed to demonstrate the availability of replacement providers willing and able to serve as COLR, nor did AT&T prove that alternative providers met the COLR definition.

During CPUC Public Forums, some public commenters emphasized that voice alternatives such as mobile wireless or VoIP are unreliable. By dismissing AT&T’s withdrawal request, the CPUC demonstrates its commitment to protecting access to essential services and ensuring regulatory oversight of the telecommunications industry.

It is worth noting that the COLR rules are impartial towards technology and do not differentiate between various voice services, such as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), commonly known as landline service, or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Additionally, these rules do not restrict AT&T from decommissioning copper facilities or investing in fiber or other technologies to enhance its network infrastructure.

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