Can Solar Panels Charge An Electric Car? EV Charging Requirements Explained
It usually requires between seven and 12 solar panels to charge an EV, but it’s highly dependent on sunlight and the amount you travel in the car, among other variables. According to the Federal Highway Administration, the average American racks up over 13,400 miles every year, in which case an EV would require just under 12 kWh daily for charging. To power the typical home, approximately 20 solar panels may be required, so it’s possible (if EV charging uses 12 panels) that more than half of the renewable energy collected for your house would go towards your EV. With a bit of math, you can learn exactly how many solar panels are needed to charge a Tesla.
While using the sun’s rays sounds like a great idea to power a zero-emissions electric car, in practice, the results are inconsistent. The issue goes back to the nature of solar energy and its reliance on specific conditions for optimal results. In the U.K., the frequent overcast clouds and chilly winters may enable solar panels to capture only a few kilowatt-hours of energy per day. While it’s certainly possible to charge your EV with solar panels, you also run the risk of needing more electricity than what your renewable sources have on hand. Moreover, your renewable system won’t run forever (here’s how long home solar panels will typically last).