Can’t charge EV – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

(WSVN) – Electric vehicles are very popular, but they are also causing new problems, like a charger being taken from a resident and blocking him from charging his car. Can management do that? To find out, he called Help Me Howard with Patrick Fraser.
After retiring, Ron got into the remodeling business, and an old neighbor asked for his help at a condo.
Ron Lux: “Ripped out the carpets and the flooring, and we put all vinyl flowing down. Painted the whole thing, replaced all the lighting.”
At that time, Ron had sold his house and was looking for a place to live.
Ron Lux: “‘Any chance I can rent this from you?’ He said, ‘Sure,’ and I said, ‘OK.’ And that’s how I ended up here.”
Ron moved in along with his electric vehicle. The complex didn’t have a charging station, so Ron created one, running a cable from his apartment over the balcony to his portable unit.
And then a cable across the sidewalk.
Ron Lux: “I would take this mat, and the cord would come down that gray thing. It would come out here, and I went just like this.”
For months, Ron thought everything was fine, until the manager stopped by.
Ron Lux: “He told me that, ‘You can’t charge a car here. It’s a safety issue.’”
Ron didn’t know it, but his landlord had been getting warnings to not charge a car here.
Ron Lux: “So I didn’t want cause any problems. I dismantle my cords, I put it away, and I charge it a couple times at a friend’s house.”
The charger was behind some shrubs and locked to this metal fence, but not for long.
Ron Lux: “They came here, and they cut the lock, and they took my charger, and told my landlord that if I wanted it, I had to go to Miami Lakes to go pick it up, only between the hours of 3 and 5. I mean, that’s ridiculous.”
Ron is easygoing, until they did that.
Ron Lux: “There’s no reason to cut my lock. I’m home. If you want me to remove it, knock on my door.”
The association also charged Ron’s landlord $150 when they took his charger, and they told Ron to never charge his car on the property again.
Ron Lux: “I’m very, very upset.”
Well, Howard, can a complex take your charger and say you cannot charge your EV here anymore?
Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: “They cannot take your charger, and the Legislature said you have a right to install a charging station at your complex. However, you have to follow the rules of the association in how and where it is installed. If it’s just for your use, you pay to install it. If it’s for everyone, the association can choose to pay for it.”
I contacted the property manager.
She returned Ron’s charger and said he could install a charging station if it was done with permits.
Ron said his landlord agreed to pay for a charging station and hired an electrician, but he told Ron he gave up trying to get a permit because the city made it too difficult.
Ron said enough.
Ron Lux: “I’m getting outta here. It just doesn’t pay, the aggravation of being harassed.”
But now, Ron couldn’t be happier.
Ron Lux: “My dream was, of course, to get a big RV and to travel the United States, so I finally found my dream came true.”
With this beautiful RV, Ron will now get his charge out of traveling around America.
Ron Lux: “Very excited. I can’t wait. At least go on a couple of trips and do some short ones, you know?”
Enjoy your new ride, Ron. Now, if you are thinking about buying an electric vehicle, talk to your association or a property manager before you do anything, because the rule that allows charging stations has a few exceptions, and you don’t want to own a vehicle you can’t charge at your condo or apartment.
A problem left you powerless? Need the juice to solve it? Plug into our station. We aren’t electric, but hopefully you’ll get a charge out of what we do.
With this Help Me Howard, I’m Patrick Fraser, 7News.
Reporter: Patrick Fraser at
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