
CEO Jaisimha Rao of Niqo Robotics: ‘We are not just a spraying company’

CEO Jaisimha Rao : “I think we are already helping more farmers with spot spraying than some of the other existing players in the market.” - Photos: Niqo Robotics
CEO Jaisimha Rao : “I think we are already helping more farmers with spot spraying than some of the other existing players in the market.” – Photos: Niqo Robotics

Indian startup Niqo Robotics plans to export its precision spot spray technology to many countries, including the U.S. and Australia. Founder and CEO Jaisimha Rao believes other spot spraying products are overpriced in western markets. In India, the robot sprayers of the company have already sprayed over 90,000 acres, achieving chemical savings of up to 60% and benefiting over 1800 farmers. Niqo Robotics, based in Bangalore, has just closed US $13 million in Series B funding led by Bidra In

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Fendt Rogator 665 using the Smart Spraying Solution targeted spraying in a green-on-brown trial application. - Photo: Business Wire


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