City seeks feedback on proposed telecommunication ordinance – Ashland News
Comments close March 14; City Council to consider March 19
By Morgan Rothborne,
Ashland residents are invited to use a digital form to submit public comment about proposed changes to the city’s telecommunications ordinance.
The city will collect and compile the comments through Thursday, March 14.
Starting Feb. 20, the city will begin posting comments that have already come in on a page on the city’s website offering information about the ordinance and upcoming changes.
Changes to Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) title 16, Telecommunications will “establish standards for telecommunications facilities,” in Ashland, according to a release from the city. Residents are encouraged to review the ordinance and provide the city feedback ahead of the ordinance’s approval process with Ashland City Council, according to the release.
The ordinance will be presented to council in a first reading on March 19, and is scheduled to appear for a final and second reading April 2, according to the release.
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