Climate mitigation in agricultural production systems through sustainable resource management – FONA

Project Objectives
The main objective is the quantification of the reduction potential of GHG emissions from the agricultural sector. To this end, several strands have to be combined: (1) identification of major management options in cropland production and quantification of their impacts on productivity and the environment, (2) implementation of the corresponding processes into a global process-based simulation model of agricultural systems and biogeochemical fluxes (LPJmL), (3) assessments of intensification potentials and global change challenges to secure food supply. The concluding assessment of the agricultural potential to mitigate climate change is determined by the interaction between management options to increase productivity, management options to sustain land’s productivity and the expansion of agricultural land. The sensitivity of findings to assumptions on population growth, diets, and climate change is explicitly addressed. Findings will advance the scientific understanding of options for sustainable intensification and land-based mitigation and will inform national and international practitioners and decision makers.
Project Management
Dr. Christoph Müller
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam
Tel: +49 331 288 2685