‘Cloud RAN will be one of the inflection points’ for transport

As cloud RAN deployment ramps, the importance of 5G transport (and transport automation) comes into focus
Significant radio access network (RAN) re-architecture and modernization is picking up pace globally with an emphasis on deployment of Cloud RAN with open interfaces between distributed radio infrastructure. This mega-trend also requires operators to consider their approach to 5G transport network technology and operations.
Speaking on an episode of the Cloud RAN Deep Dive series, Ericsson Head of Transport Automation Jari Augustin said, “Cloud RAN will be one of the inflection points for transport. It’s also one of the key drivers for switch fronthaul too, which is a new area and opens up opportunities for new types of network implementations. I would say the importance of transport will further increase in the Cloud RAN and switch fronthaul era. Many say that transport will be inherently part of the Cloud RAN solution where the transport infra needs to connect to distributed Cloud RAN elements and existing basebands.”
Watch the full interview with Augustin below.
The big picture here, he explained, is that increasing network complexity is driving change across networking domains. This step-change in complexity runs the gamut from increasing capacity demands, densification, opex reduction, sustainability, number and type of devices, simultaneous support for multiple generations and multi-vendor implementations to name a few.
Specific to 5G transport networks, and tools to automate operations in that domain, Augustin pointed out that providing increased capacity and higher throughput is just one aspect; it’s also about delivering on new industrial and enterprise use cases that need high degrees of reliability, low latency, support for a massive number of internet of things-type devices, and more.
But, in an effort to automate vital transport processes, communications service providers (CSPs) face a gating challenge in network visibility. “CSPs are still in the dark when it comes to understanding the network state,” Augustin said. “When you do not see, it is hard to know what to do.”
With its Ericsson Transport Automation Controller, Augustin described a three-fold value proposition: observe, analyze and act. With the ability to observe network conditions, then go from identifying where and when to understanding why, then automatically resolving issues, operators can reduce site visits, improve root cause analysis, reduce transport network energy consumption, reduce configuration errors and more.
“It is humanly impossible to manage the complexity in all these network changes at scale and with quality and speed,” Augustin said. Today, “The level of automation is still relatively low…Our new Ericsson Transport Automation Controller will resolve many of these challenges.”
For more on Cloud RAN and 5G transport network automation, read the following articles: