Product Management

Competing in a Generative World with Justin Norman – O’Reilly

Generative AI in the Real World: Competing in a Generative World with Justin Norman
Generative AI in the Real World


Justin Norman, author of Product Management for AI and co-founder of Vera, a startup focused on security for generative AI, talks with Ben Lorica about how product management has changed since generative AI came on the scene. He discusses the issues retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) raises for product management; how reliability has become part of a product’s value; how companies that have lagged in their adoption of AI can use generative AI as a way to catch up; and the ability of open source AI in helping smaller companies compete with more established companies.

Check out other episodes of this podcast or the full-length version on the O’Reilly Learning Platform.

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About the Generative AI in the Real World podcast: In 2023, ChatGPT put AI on everyone’s agenda. In 2024, the challenge will be turning those agendas into reality. In Generative AI in the Real World, Ben Lorica interviews leaders who are building with AI. Learn from their experience to help put AI to work in your enterprise.


  • 0:00: You wrote Product Management for AI back in 2020 and 2021. How have things changed for product managers since then?
  • 3:04: What do product managers struggle with when implementing RAG? What’s the relationship between fine-tuning and RAG?
  • 7:54: RAG gives you value out of the box, but the key to success is how the data is organized.

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