Convention’s Annual Technology Symposium to focus on Artificial Intelligence – The Florida Bar

Convention’s Annual Technology Symposium to focus on Artificial Intelligence
Innovation Unveiled: Navigating AI, Authentication Challenges, and Ethical Challenges, and Ethical Considerations of Using AI in Your Legal Practice,” commences at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19
There’s good news for Florida attorneys who are struggling to keep pace with generative AI’s lightning-fast advance into the modern legal practice.
The Standing Committee on Technology and LegalFuel: The Florida Bar’s Practice Resource Center will sponsor “The 2024 Annual Technology Symposium,” at the 2024 Annual Florida Bar Convention, June 19-21 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek.
The symposium is divided into two segments.
“Part 1 – Innovation Unveiled: Navigating AI, Authentication Challenges, and Ethical Challenges, and Ethical Considerations of Using AI in Your Legal Practice,” commences at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19.
Standing Committee on Technology Chair Diane Perez will set the stage with brief opening remarks.

Kate Bell will trace the rise of automation in the legal profession and offer a formula for “automating the most tedious tasks at your firm.”
From 9:10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m., Kate Bell, a Clio affinity partnership manager, presents “AI-Powered Efficiency: Elevating Your Firm Success & Taking Back Your Time with Automation.” Bell will trace the rise of automation in the legal profession and offer a formula for “automating the most tedious tasks at your firm.” Bell spent three years managing a non-profit firm and now, as a consultant, specializes in “identifying inefficiencies and pain points within the law firm landscape.”
From 10:50 a.m. to 11:35 a.m., iDiscovery Solutions Director Bobby Williams presents “Authentic Evidence: A Framework for Finding Fakes.” Williams will focus on identifying “red flags to help determine if the data you have been provided requires a closer look.” A 23-year veteran with iDiscovery, Williams is a digital forensics investigator, data scientist, and frequent expert witness. He specializes in making data “more approachable for more people.”
From 11:40 a.m. to 12:25 p.m., Stetson University College of Law Prof. Kirsten K. Davis, faculty director of online legal education strategies, presents “Chat-GPT4 Wrote this Brief: Generative Artificial Intelligence and Legal Ethics.” Davis will “critically examine generative AI in legal practice,” and focus on “the ethical dilemmas lawyers face as they decide how and whether to incorporate technology.” She will also explain the “complexities of AI-assisted legal work,” and “how new and existing ethical regulations govern that use.”
In March, Stetson appointed Davis “Faculty Fellow for Generative Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education.” Her research has focused on legal communication and writing, law, legal ethics, and the First Amendment. Most recently she has turned her attention to better understanding the impact of generative artificial intelligence on legal writing, both in practice and in legal education. Last semester, she taught “Legal Writing with Generative AI,” at Stetson Law.