
Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship | Skidmore College Advancement

Unleashing creative potential

It’s no secret Creative Thought Matters at Skidmore. In fact, creativity is our ethos, innovation
is our commitment, and entrepreneurship is our ever-evolving aspiration. These are
the driving forces behind programs that help students translate concepts into practice
and the inspiration behind spaces that foster collaboration. 

$5 million + $5 million

The Sands Family Foundation Initiative for Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

With a $5 million one-to-one matching pledge led by Rob Sands ’81, Bill Caleo ’99, and Fitzhugh Karol ’04, Skidmore has the opportunity and the challenge
to infuse the student experience with a $10 million investment in experientia
l learning, professional development, and entrepreneurial education.  

It’s here, in our liberal arts community on this creative campus, that the seeds of
entrepreneurship are planted. With your support, they can thrive.

Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (CIE) is an initiative that leverages
longstanding Skidmore programs such as the Kenneth A. Freirich Entrepreneurship Competition,
MB107, and Entrepreneurial Artist Initiative. It is a current driver for the Schupf
Family Idea Lab, StartUp Skidmore, and student experiential learning. Our Brooklyn
event celebrating the Sands Family Initiative and challenge grant hosted by Trustee
Bill Caleo ’99 shows how CIE sets the stage for Skidmore’s future.

Check it out here

Full event footage can be found here.



Ian Farrell
Assistant Vice President for Development and Strategy

Support students by helping us Create More:

  • Invitations for entrepreneurial experts to serve as guest speakers and artists-in-residence
  • Student innovation grants and workshops
  • Experiential learning opportunities
  • Academic programs, including a minor in entrepreneurship
  • Resources for the Schupf Family IdeaLab in the Billie Tisch Center for Integrated
  • Spaces and opportunities designed to unleash the creative energy of the entire campus

“At Skidmore, I gained the fundamental knowledge to become a successful attorney
and businessman along with an invaluable set of life skills. The Sands Family Foundation
Initiative promises to support and grow these aspects of the education.”

Rob Sands ’81

executive chairman of the board of directors of Constellation Brands

Budding entrepreneurship at Skidmore

At Skidmore, our entrepreneurial mindset is coupled with our commitment to helping
students think, collaborate, and make with the creativity that the global community
demands. The College offers superb existing programs that will be further supported
by Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, such as the Entrepreneurial Artist
Initiative, the Skidmore-Saratoga Consulting Partnership, and the Kenneth A. Freirich
’90 Entrepreneurship Competition.

“I want the world to see that a Skidmore education is truly the best preparation
for the 21st century. Our gift is going to provide programmatic support for the kind
of entrepreneurial thinking that is a natural and fundamental part of the College.”

Bill Caleo ’99

member of the Sands Family Foundation and Skidmore Board of Trustees



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