Data Science, B.S.

Data Science Institute
The Data Science Institute develops people for the data world. This is accomplished by facilitating interdisciplinary research, industry and government partnerships, and community outreach which puts MTSU at the forefront of data science regionally and nationally in terms of education and research. The Data Science Institute also looks to develop people through doing by offering opportunities for projects, events (data dives), and training.
Data Dives
To learn Data Science, you must DO Data Science. The Data Science Institute offers hackathon style Data dives that allow students to work together to solve real world problems using data. The Data dives have ranged from 16 hours over two days to 24 hour overnight events and have analyzed data from several non-profits such as SecondHarvest, Special Kids, Inc., and Murfreesboro Police Department.
Data Science students presenting their solution to a real-world problem to corporate sponsors, students, and faculty during a Data Dive.