
Deepfakes rated second biggest cybersecurity threat to US businesses

According to, a noted compliance platform, deepfakes are the second top cybersecurity threat to American businesses, following malware infections. In the previos year, over a third of US companies faced a deepfake-related threat. This highlights an escalating concern in the cybersecurity landscape as the deepfake technology proves increasingly sophisticated.

Companies are finding it harder to differentiate between real and manipulated content, resulting in potential security risks. advises businesses to adopt proactive protective measures due to this escalating threat. The rise of deepfakes has placed a stringent responsibility on companies to understand and manage this emerging risk.

A survey involved 518 personnel in the data security industry across ten US verticals. It revealed that 35% of US businesses had encountered deepfake-related security issues in the previous year, with the majority being identity fraud and misinformation-related.

Deepfakes: Prominent cybersecurity threat to US corporations

The technology, media, and telecom industry faced a significant chunk of these issues and small businesses were disproportionately affected, indicating a gap in security measures.

Approximately 37% of participants identified potential risks from third-party providers as their chief data security issue, and 43% disclosed that partner data was the most compromised type of data in the past year. These breaches occurred more often than other data infringements. Companies expect to increase their budget by almost 25% in the next year to enhance third-party provider and supply chain security.

Desite 73% of US respondents acknowledging that AI and ML tools are improving their cybersecurity operations, only 26% had implemented these technologies in the past year, indicating a gap between perception and action in cybersecurity. Reasons for this underutilization could be cost, adaptation difficulty, or lack of understanding about implementation. CEO, Luke Dash, stated the need for robust and adaptable cybersecurity infrastructures to handle complex threats, with the aid of advanced technologies like AI and ML. He expressed optimism about these technologies but also admitted ambiguity surrounds their potential effects on data security. is a SaaS platform simplifying processes across over 100 standards and regulations, supporting more than 25,000 users worldwide. Clients include major corporations like Moneycorp, Siemens, and Ricoh. The platform works to streamline conformity with various norms and policies, making compliance management easier and more effective.


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