Dentists at UB using artificial intelligence to repair teeth

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Doctors at the University at Buffalo are using artificial intelligence to help with dental care.

There is no need to worry. A robot will not be performing your next root canal.

Right now, dental researchers are using the technology to plan ahead for periodontics work such as implants and surgeries on the gums.      

UB professor and Dr. Nathalia Andrade says that AI allows them to gather a lot of information so dentists are prepared after a series of mouth scans and X-rays.

“We merge that in the software, and then we can plan the perfect position for the implant,” Dr. Andrade said. “We can even plan for how its going to be a crown in the future. We can show the patient how its going to be. We can just cross in between the different specialties to find what is the best way to go with the treatment, Then we do the same thing we bring the guide. We use the guide in the surgery for accuracy.”

Dr. Andrade said we are still developing how to use AI and teaching the AI tool new things.

She says she tells her students that AI is not perfect, but it’s a tool that can help in surgeries.


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