Electric vehicle conversion offered in Georgetown

Electric car advocate and entrepreneur Jon Lake has teamed up with a Georgetown resident to convert gas emission vehicles to electric.
“We want people to know they have options,” said Lake, a Wilmington mechanic who is now working with Daniel Lacy to bring electric vehicle conversions to Sussex County.
Working out of his home garage, Lacy said he has converted 15 vehicles since 2022 and is now working on converting a 350 series truck.
“Range is a big factor,” he said, but an online electric vehicle marketplace offers Tesla and other top-performing electric vehicle parts, which can be installed in any vehicle.
It’s an option for anyone who is having difficulty passing emissions inspection at the Division of Motor Vehicles, said Lake.
For $2,500 to $3,000, he said, a vehicle can be converted to electric so it will pass inspection. The alternative, Lake said, is spending at least $2,000 to replace an engine and exhaust.
With the conversion, Lacy said a button is placed on the dash, which can switch the engine from gas to electric or to hybrid.
“That’s where most of your fuel economy comes into play,” he said.
And with an electric conversion, Lake said, there are no emissions to register at DMV.
For more information on electric vehicle conversion, contact Lake or Lacy at autoarchives.com or greentv.com.