Electric vehicle market and policy developments in U.S. states, 2023

Electric vehicles (EVs): In this market spotlight, EVs include both battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs).

Model availability: Includes models that automakers offered in the market in 2023 with more than 20 new sales.

California’s ZEV regulations: These regulations, which can be adopted by other states via provisions in the Clean Air Act, include the Advanced Clean Cars (ACC) regulation for model years 2015–2025 and the Advanced Clean Cars II (ACC II) regulation for model years 2026–2035. The implementation year of ZEV regulations adopted in other states varies. More information can be found on this map (https://theicct.org/viz-us-state-clean-vehicle-standards-june24) that tracks states’ adoption and implementation year of California’s ZEV regulations for light-duty and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

Data sources: Electric vehicle sales information is taken from the Alliance for Automotive Innovation’s Electric Vehicle Sales Dashboard, https://www.autosinnovate. org/EVDashboard. Public and workplace charger data is from the Alternative Fueling Station Locator run by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center, https://afdc.energy.gov/stations/#/find/nearest. Purchase incentive data also comes from the Alternative Fuels Data Center, https://afdc.energy.gov/laws/state. Estimated 2023 population information for each state is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau, https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/tables/2020-2023/state/totals/. Model availability data is from the Automakers Dashboard, part of Atlas Public Policy’s online EV Hub, https://www.atlasevhub.com/materials/automakers-dashboard/.

Purchase incentives: Rebates for PHEV purchases are excluded from Figure 1 because PHEV sales accounted for about one fifth of total EV sales in 2023 and several states have phased on PHEV rebates. For example, Massachusetts no longer offered a PHEV rebate as of July 2023, New Jersey has not offered a PHEV point-of-sale incentive since January 2023, and Maryland did not qualify PHEVs for an excise tax credit starting in July 2023.


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