Electric vehicles don’t deliver as promised


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The 2022 BMW i4 is the first of the company’s electric vehicles with a chance at achieving volume sales success with people who might otherwise get a Tesla. (BMW USA)


Electric cars are actually worse for the environment than cars powered by gasoline or diesel fuel. The batteries for electric cars use a lot of lithium, which is toxic and can contaminate water supplies and ecosystems if it leaches out of landfills. Fires in landfills and battery-recycling facilities have been attributed to inappropriate disposal of lithium-ion batteries.

Electric car owners don’t pay for fuel, resulting in less tax revenue for road construction, yet the vehicles weigh more and ruin roads faster. Their chargers are also run by generators that produce more emissions than normal diesel trucks.

From a firefighter’s standpoint EVs are worse because they burn hotter. Fires are harder to put out because you can’t just use water to put them out. They also are more deadly to firefighters because of the smoke they emit when on fire. These stronger and heavier vehicles make it harder to rescue people from when the car is not rightside up.

EVs are just not the right thing for the future of vehicles. If they are, they should be heavily improved upon because the ones we have now are not great at all.

Bradley Spatz

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Reading Eagle


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